Why Does Cholesterol Matter?

According to research, cholesterol levels are the most reliable indicator of a person’s risk for heart disease. There are two main types of cholesterol. One type, HDL cholesterol, lowers heart disease risk. The other type, LDL cholesterol, raises the risk.

Cholesterol and Atherosclerosis

LDL cholesterol is believed to increase the risk of heart disease by playing a role in the development of plaque in the arteries known as atherosclerosis.

Five Negative Effects of Atherosclerosis

  • Narrowed arteries, leading to less oxygen and nutrients delivered to cells
  • Hardened arteries, causing a resistance to the natural pulse of blood flow
  • Calcium and blood clots build up on plaque deposits, causing a further narrowing of the arteries.
  • Unstable plaque can rupture, eventually causing a complete shut off of blood flow.
  • Plaque can release blood clots; those clots can become lodged and completely cut off the blood supply of smaller arteries or arteries narrowed by atherosclerosis elsewhere in the body.

Atherosclerosis and Blood Flow

When blood flow is restricted to a portion of the body, cells dependent on that supply begin to lack the vital nutrients required to carry out their various functions. If blood flow is completely cut off, the cells eventually die. This is a major concern when the diminished blood flow supplies vital organs such as the heart or brain. Cell death in these organs can cause permanent damage.

Managing cholesterol levels can have a positive impact on atherosclerosis risk. Raising low HDL cholesterol and lowering high LDL cholesterol are the top priorities of cholesterol therapy. While more markers for heart disease continue to surface, cholesterol remains a top focus of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis prevention.

For more in-depth information about atherosclerosis, visit the US NIH’s website here.

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